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Mental health: the importance of creating a welcoming workplace

In recent years, mental health has become a central topic of discussion. After the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to a significant increase in cases of anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders, Brazil continues to be one of the most affected countries.


As a CEO, I understand that mental health is not just a personal issue but a concern for the entire business sector. Employees are the foundation of any organization, and their well-being must be a priority.

It’s essential that companies acknowledge the importance of a welcoming and safe environment, where employees feel comfortable discussing personal and sensitive issues without fear of judgment. Creating a welcoming workplace goes beyond words – it is reflected in daily actions of empathy, respect, and support.

During this and every #YellowSeptember, we must ask ourselves what we are doing for our employees’ mental health. One-off actions are important, but care must be ongoing.

mental health

We need to encourage open conversations about mental health, promote training so leaders can recognize warning signs, and offer resources such as psychological counseling. Investing in mental health means investing in people. When employees feel their well-being is valued, they are more engaged and motivated to give their best.

On behalf of Pryor Global, I affirm: our company is committed to creating an increasingly welcoming and humane environment where mental health is a priority.

We remain attentive to our employees’ needs and open to suggestions that can make our organizational culture even more empathetic.

We are on this journey together.

By:  Eduardo Todeschini

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