Brazilian companies operating abroad must follow specific procedures to ensure tax compliance and security in financial transactions. One of the most important steps in this process is the correct issuance of documents such as the “nota fiscal” and invoice, which not only meet legal requirements, but also formalize operations and make it easier to receive international payments.

“Nota fiscal” and invoice: what’s the difference?
“Nota fiscal”, which is mandatory in Brazil, is an official document that registers commercial transactions, whether the sale of products or the provision of services. It details important information, such as the amount charged and the applicable taxes. Although it has a similar function, the invoice is only used in international transactions to record payment requests between companies in different countries.
In international operations, it is usually necessary to issue both documents: invoice, to record the transaction with the foreign client, and nota fiscal, to meet Brazilian tax requirements.
How to issue invoices for services abroad:
- Register the foreign client’s details in your company’s management system. Make sure the information is correct and up-to-date.
- Issue an invoice with details of the service provided, such as description, total value, payment terms and delivery terms. Send the invoice to the client to formalize the international operation.
- Access your city’s municipal portal to issue the NFS-e. Fill in the fields with the details of the operation and review the information before confirming the issue.
- Use a specialized platform to carry out foreign exchange transactions.
The conversion of amounts and the receipt of payment in local currency must follow Brazilian exchange regulations.
For your company to be able to operate internationally safely, avoiding tax problems and fostering reliable and long-lasting business relationships, in addition to following these steps, it is important to have a reliable partner.

Pryor Global is an expert in managing international financial transactions efficiently and securely. Pryor provides its clients with foreign exchange consultancy and management, offering compliance with different regulations, agility in processes, specialized service and security in transactions.
By entrusting your foreign exchange operations to Pryor Global, your company gains efficiency, reduces bureaucracy and can focus on sustainable growth in the international market.
Don’t waste time and talk to one of our experts now!
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