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CPF for foreigners in Brazil: why is it necessary?

The Individual Taxpayer Registration, popularly known as CPF, goes beyond being just an identification number in Brazil. It is an essential record that connects individuals to their tax obligations and facilitates a variety of financial and contractual transactions in the country.


Not only Brazilian citizens, but also foreigners are required to register for a CPF when they own assets or rights subject to public registration in the country. This document is essential for establishing a legal presence and enabling various operations in Brazil.

The lack of a CPF can represent a significant obstacle, preventing, for example, the simple opening of a bank account in the country. Obtaining a CPF is essential to guaranteeing access to a range of services and opportunities in Brazil.

Obtaining a CPF for foreigners does not require physical presence in Brazil. This is done through the online service of the Federal Revenue, making it possible to apply for the document even if you are abroad. With the CPF, foreign individuals can make investments, acquisitions and other financial transactions in Brazil, without the need for a prior visit.


To issue the CPF, foreigners must present documents proving their identity and, if applicable, the identity of their legal guardians, depending on the specific case. The process can vary according to the age and specific situation of each applicant, but generally involves filling in online forms and sending documents by email.

Once the application has been made, the deadline for issuing the CPF may vary, depending on the consular post responsible for the process or the Federal Revenue Service itself. The application status tracker, which is completely online, can provide you with up-to-date information on the progress of your application.

It is also important to be aware that the CPF may need to be regularized in certain situations, such as when it is pending, suspended or cancelled. Regularization can be done both by foreigners in Brazil and abroad, by complying with the procedures established by the Federal Revenue.

At Pryor Global, our paralegal department offers a range of services aimed at streamlining procedures in public and private agencies throughout Brazil. We are committed to simplifying and facilitating bureaucratic processes for our clients, allowing them to focus on their core activities with peace of mind and efficiency.

Talk to our experts now!

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