What should a foreign investor consider before opening a business in Brazil?

Opening a company abroad is a project that cannot be improvised.
In countries with certain particularities, such as Brazil, with a complex fiscal scenario and intricate political situation, understanding the aspects that end up impacting the success of a business is useful.
. If it is true that the country offers opportunities to those who know how to use them,
it is equally true that it rewards those who overcome the challenges of opening their company here.
New legal framework for foreign exchange: main changes and expectations

The new legal framework for foreign exchange is already in effect. Law Nº 14,286/ 2021 regulates the Brazilian exchange market, Brazilian capital abroad, foreign capital in the country, and the provision of information to the Central Bank of Brazil (BC). The rules have been in effect since December 31, 2022.
Liquidation of a company: the role of the liquidator

Just like opening a company, closing it is also a bureaucratic process.
Foreign startups have a tough time, but recovery is in sight

After the “funding winter for startups”, the sun will shine again.
How can a foreigner open a company in Brazil?

O Brasil é considerado a principal potência econômica e política da América do Sul. Em 2019, registrou um PIB de US$1,878 trilhão, com uma Renda Nacional Bruta (RNB) de US$9.130.
Advantages of setting up a foreign company in Brazil

The economic crisis motivated by the pandemic, added to the political instability that is daily shown in the news, has lowered the expectations for foreign investment in Brazil. In a scenario of uncertainties, as the last two years were, it is normal [...]
Representation of foreign companies: what does this service offer?

When a company decides to expand its operations beyond national borders, there are many challenges. Each country is governed by a specific set of laws and regulations, and understanding the details and processes involved can be difficult without [...]
In times of instability, Brazil is a safe haven for foreign investors

Coronavirus pandemic, climate crisis, and now the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The world is dealing with several serious and urgent problems at the same time. If, on the one hand, there is the fear of the unknown, on the other, there is the search for [...]
The benefits of hiring the tax address service

When opening any company, there are a series of obligations to be fulfilled by the entrepreneur. In addition to the National Registry of Legal Entities (CNPJ), it is necessary to have the respective registrations, licenses and permits so that the business can legally operate [...]
Paralegal services: process optimization and increased efficiency

Bureaucracy. Companies operating in complex regulatory environments know what it is. Filling out forms, sending documents, updating registration, to name just a few examples of activities that every company is [...]