Law that changes rules for meal allowance and telework is sanctioned
Law 14.442/22, which changes the rules for meal allowance and regulates telework, was published in the Official Gazette (DOU) on September 5, 2022. The Provisional Measure (MP) No. 1.108 was proposed by Representative Paulinho da Força, from Solidariedade - SP [...]
How to handle payroll information and employee data according to the GDPR
Companies of all types and sizes collect personal data from their employees, whether it is to fill out payroll, which contains salary and bank account details or to provide benefits such as health insurance, which may require the beneficiaries to provide [...]
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and their relationship to strategic HR
The so-called ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate) has increasingly become a priority for companies. Good financial results are more than ever tied to responsibility toward the planet and society. Environmental, social and corporate governance issues are [...]
Who contracted covid-19 or influenza is required to work? Rights and Obligations
Since the beginning of the new coronavirus pandemic, the world of work has been going through several major changes. Whether it is the imposition of remote work [...]
Can vaccine refusal lead to dismissal?
As soon as the Covid-19 vaccine was officially released by regulatory bodies in Brazil, governments raced to [...]
Veja o que muda com a Carteira de Trabalho digital
Desde a sua criação pelo governo Getúlio Vargas em 1932, a Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social (CTPS), antigamente chamada apenas de Carteira Profissional, é o documento oficial que registra o
Introducing HR 4.0. Is your company ready?
Is HR 4.0 a new trend that is here to stay? The world is constantly changing – life today is more dynamic and practical, people are more connected with each passing day, and the future will be more technological. HR 4.0 is a new way of thinking human resources [...]
Hiring employees: How to do it?
Hiring is a process that must be efficient and safe. When it is well structured, your company becomes more dynamic and reduces the risk of inconsistencies that may increase labor burdens. All companies need to hire employees, whether to fill vacancies or to expand [...]
O que é a desoneração da Folha de Pagamento?
Todo empregador paga um tributo específico obrigatório ao INSS – Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social, a conhecida contribuição previdenciária patronal. O pagamento deste tributo, de acordo com a Lei 8.212 de 1991, em seu artigo 10, é a forma direta que empregadores têm, como membros da sociedade, de financiarem e manterem a seguridade social. Por meio da Lei 12.546/2011 foi instituída […]
Trabalho Remoto – Como o RH pode ajudar?
O trabalho remoto passou a fazer parte da rotina de milhões de brasileiros. Aproximadamente um ano depois dos primeiros casos do novo coronavírus no Brasil, a pandemia ainda não deu sinal de que vai acabar. E, aparentemente, esta é uma realidade que mudará definitivamente algumas relações de trabalho. Mas, qual é o papel dos gestores de […]