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ANS approves 15.5% readjustment in health plans

The National Health Agency (ANS) approved 15.5% increase in individual and family health plans. The readjustment applies to all regulated medical-hospital plans, that is, those contracted as of January 1999 or adapted to Law No. 9,656/98. The decision was taken on [...]

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High demand for life insurance

The covid-19 pandemic has brought unexpected challenges for businesses around the world. The insurance sector is no exception, having suffered a significant decline in business during 2020 [...]

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ESG & Saúde dos Colaboradores

Você tem olhado para a saúde mental de seus colaboradores? Atualmente muito se fala em #ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) ou Ambiental, Social e Governança (ASG). O conceito se resume na

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