Does health insurance have to cover organ transplants?
Organ transplants play a fundamental role in medicine, giving many people a second chance at life. For example, heart transplants can save patients with terminal heart failure, while skin transplants are crucial for victims of severe burns.
Studies show that mental health can play an important role in the manifestation of physical illnesses.
The relationship between mind and body is more complex than most people realize. Both are significantly interconnected and can exert both beneficial and harmful influences, depending on various factors.
Health insurance fraud: increase in cases raises alarm bells
Cases of health insurance fraud have frequently appeared in the news. Big companies have noticed and taken action over the misuse of the reimbursement benefit, which can lead to considerable financial losses. This is what happened, for example, with Itaú and the CCR Group.
Life insurance: What is it and how does it work?
Como funciona o seguro de vida?
O seguro de vida oferece aos beneficiários, como a família do segurado, o pagamento de uma indenização no caso da sua morte, por exemplo, o que proporciona proteção financeira para garantir o sustento da família e reduz o impacto financeiro da ausência do principal provedor.
Company dental insurance for employees
Unlike what many may think, the investment to contract dental insurance is increasingly affordable. Furthermore, the pre-contract analysis is quick, even though in some scenarios it is necessary to answer a questionnaire about pre-existing conditions.
Health insurance for companies: how does it work and what are the benefits for employees?
Last April 7th was World Health Day, a date created by the World Health Organization (WHO) to encourage reflection on healthy habits and quality of life. In this context, the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) invited health plan operators to a joint action on the importance of these themes.
Will life insurance be promising in 2023?
The economic and geopolitical context is giving rise to new risks, which are increasingly serious and of different natures: climatic, with natural disasters; cyber, such as the data leaks; geopolitical, with the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine; and economic, in the context of rising inflation and interest rates.
Digital security: what to expect in the coming years?
The last year was challenging for all companies in terms of digital security, with several data breaches, cases of fraud, cyberattacks, and system vulnerabilities, putting both institutions and individuals at risk.
Global Insurance Programs offer advantages for multinational companies
While internationalization is an important step in the growth strategy of companies, it also presents new challenges: as soon as they establish themselves in the new territory, they are subject to the country’s regulations: legal obligations differ from one place to another, and therefore it is necessary to adapt to several different legislations.
Trade credit insurance in times of economic instability
It is important to have alternatives to mitigate risks for your business. In this context, trade credit insurance can be the best choice.