Changes in travel insurance aim to meet post-pandemic demands

The covid-19 pandemic interrupted the travel plans of many people, mainly due to the closing of the countries' borders. Those who were about to travel abroad had to reschedule or cancel their flights. Airlines had to [...]
D&O Insurance: protection for directors and managers

The Brazilian insurance market presented a growth of 6.4% in January this year, according to data from the National Insurance Confederation, CNSeg. The highlight goes to the segment of damage and liability, which [...]
Trends for the insurance market in 2022

In times of uncertainty, such as we have been experiencing since the beginning of the pandemic, safety has become a priority. Although we have felt some [...]
How the pandemic affected the mental health of Brazilians

COVID-19 pandemic. Social isolation, quarantine, restriction measures, hospitalizations, deaths. Brazilians have never experienced a situation similar [...]
Demand for cyber insurance grows with ongoing wave of cyber attacks

In recent years, cyber attacks have grabbed the headlines and put businesses and governments around the world on alert. The subject is delicate and not always treated with [...]
Civil Liability Insurance: Clear up your doubts

O Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil ganha cada vez mais visibilidade e reconhecimento do mercado. Ele tem atraído as atenções de profissionais e empresas. Sabe por que ele existe? Entenda como ele funciona e descubra como ele pode garantir a segurança das operações de muitos negócios. O que é um Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil? O artigo 14 do Código de Defesa do […]
Is fleet insurance a good choice for companies?

Fleet insurance has some advantages over individual car insurance. It is an excellent option for companies, although it is not exclusive to them. What is the coverage of this insurance? Some do not know the difference between fleet insurance and collective insurance offered by organizations to employees. The Collective insurance is intended for the employees' private vehicles and the individual policy has a special condition [...]
Is dental insurance worth it?

Dental insurance has been attracting many Brazilians, according to a survey by the National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans (ANS). That's because the mouth is a window into the health of the body. Find out if it's worth investing in this type of benefit. The Brazilian National Health Survey (PNS-2019) indicated improvements in the self-care of Brazilians compared to a 2013 survey. The article available [...]