
Corporate benefits: why offer the best benefits to your employees?

Food vouchers, meal vouchers, health insurance: these are just a few examples of benefits that companies can offer to their employees. Corporate benefits refer to goods or services offered by the employer in addition to the salary, constituting non-monetary compensation. The aim is to improve employees’ quality of life both inside and, in many cases, outside the workplace.

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Corporate benefits represent a significant differentiator for companies in today’s highly competitive environment. By offering incentives beyond salary, they not only attract qualified talent, but also retain engaged and satisfied professionals. This, in turn, can contribute to employee productivity and a positive company image, crucial factors for success.

What are the most offered and most sought-after benefits?

A survey carried out by Global Talent Trends revealed that the benefits offered by companies are not always the ones most sought after by workers. In the ranking of the benefits most valued by employees, health insurance is at the top, with 92%, surpassing food vouchers and meal vouchers, at 89% and 88% respectively. Profit-sharing (PLR) and the dental health plan follow shortly after, with 80% and 79%.

On the other hand, the report revealed that the benefit most widely offered by companies is transportation vouchers, which are mandatory by law, with 83%, followed by health insurance (82%), food vouchers (74%), dental insurance (73%) and life insurance (68%).

In this scenario, thinking about corporate benefits that go beyond the basics, such as food and transportation, becomes not just a differentiator, but an imperative necessity in order to meet employee expectations. Investing in benefits in line with current needs not only helps to retain talent, but also to create a more motivating and engaging work environment.

What corporate benefits go beyond the basics?

Human Resources (HR) departments are noticing a change in employee demands. According to the same report cited above, benefits aimed at the gym or sports practices are the most sought after (24%), followed by pharmacy assistance (13%) and scholarships or discounts for studies (13%).

This change in preferences reflects a growing appreciation of work-life balance, indicating that employees are looking for benefits that go beyond the conventional work environment. Offering incentives related to health, well-being and personal development stands out as an effective strategy for meeting the current demands of the workforce.

Do you want to offer the best benefits to your employees?

Here at Pryor Global, we offer a range of corporate insurance for your company. We keep our portfolio up to date, always looking for the best options on the market. We work with the main insurers and operators in the country, carrying out a detailed and critical analysis of each business scenario to guarantee the most appropriate solutions for our clients.

Talk to our team now!

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