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Benefits of the DPO as a service

A practical and efficient solution for companies that do not have the necessary knowledge to comply with the obligations set forth in the Brazilian General Data Protection Law

Brazil is the sixth country in the world that suffers most from data leakage. This is the result of a survey conducted by Surfshark, an online privacy and security company. From November to January 2021, the data of almost 25 million Brazilians were exposed as a result of cyberattacks or failures in the companies’ systems.

This is another statistic that proves the scenario of digital insecurity in Brazil. That is why the creation and entry into force of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) is so important, as it guarantees the right to privacy of Brazilian or foreign citizens who are in the country, in addition to imposing fines and sanctions on those responsible by data leakage.

The changes are drastic, but mandatory for all companies. The processing of personal data, from the collection, storage and sharing, must respect the principles of the LGPD, in addition to having a valid legal basis. Companies must also appoint a DPO (Data Protection Officer) to act as a supervisor and be responsible for maintaining compliance with data protection legislation.

Before the LGPD, digital security was not a priority for many companies. Now, having to adapt to the changes proposed by the law, many of them do not know where to start. Therefore, it may be more advantageous to rely on the help of an outsourced service provider, who has the expertise and experience necessary to ensure that companies act in compliance with the rules in force.

Why outsource the role of a DPO?

DPO as a service (DPOaaS) offers a specialized professional to perform the role of Data Protection Officer in companies. This person will act in a dedicated and independent way, providing unlimited support to the entire staff, acting as the official point of contact with the national authority, the ANPD (National Data Protection Authority) and managing the data governance program in both its legal and information security aspects.

This is a practical and efficient solution for companies that do not have the necessary knowledge to comply with the obligations set forth in the Brazilian General Data Protection Law. After all, the duties of a DPO are challenging, since this professional needs to understand not only data processing and security, but also be aware of the legal aspects that involve the issue.

A specialized professional can provide expert and legal advice on data protection. In addition, there is the guarantee of a truly qualified and independent DPO, without any conflict of interest, as established by good market practices.

At Pryor Global, we offer DPO Outsourcing services so that our clients can focus on their core business and be assured of following the law. To learn more on the subject, visit our website and read our articles.


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