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How financial problems affect mental health

Having financial stability is one of the pillars of a balanced life.

When a person faces financial difficulties, such as debt, sudden loss of income or unexpected expenses, the psychological impact is almost immediate. Anxiety and stress are some of the most common consequences, caused by uncertainty about the future, the need to pay the bills on time or the inability to maintain the desired lifestyle.

problemas financeiros afetam saude

A survey carried out by Creditas Benefícios, in partnership with Opinion Box, highlighted that for 66% of Brazilian workers financial problems directly affect their mental health, reporting situations of stress, anxiety and insomnia. This shows how financial stress can manifest itself in various ways, affecting the quality of sleep, concentration and even the mood for day-to-day activities.

In addition, 64% of those interviewed said that, when in debt, they were unable to meet basic demands at work, such as timetables or deadlines, directly affecting their performance.

Impact on professional performance

The consequences of these pressures extend to the workplace. Employees dealing with financial problems have their ability to focus, solve problems and be creative impaired. Financial anxiety can lead to a drop in productivity, increased absenteeism and a lack of motivation, compromising the team’s overall performance.

Also according to the survey, 71% of workers say they perform better at work when their accounts are up to date, generating greater productivity and less overtime. This data highlights the importance of financial stability for efficiency and performance in the corporate environment.

problemas financeiros afetam saude

What is the role of companies in such situations?

Understanding the relationship between financial and mental health is a valuable tool for companies. Actions such as financial education, assistance programs and support policies in times of crisis help to create a healthier and more collaborative work environment, directly reflecting on the organization’s results.

By providing conditions of greater financial stability, companies can significantly reduce stress levels and promote a healthier, more collaborative and productive working environment.

Here at Pryor Global, our Benefits Management and Corporate Insurance department is committed to offering solutions that go beyond traditional coverage. We provide comprehensive support to employees, considering all the factors surrounding the needs of companies, such as industry, profile and budget capacity.

Talk to our team and find out more about our services!

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