Just like opening a company, closing it is also a bureaucratic process.
This website uses cookies to deliver the best possible experience, remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking “Accept”, you agree to the use of ALL cookies. Cookie Policy and Privacy Notice
Este site usa cookies para melhorar a sua experiência enquanto navega pelo site. Os cookies categorizados como necessários são armazenados no seu navegador, pois são essenciais para o funcionamento das funcionalidades básicas do site. Também usamos cookies de terceiros que nos ajudam a analisar e entender como você usa este site. Esses cookies serão armazenados em seu navegador apenas com o seu consentimento. Você também tem a opção de cancelar esses cookies. Porém, a desativação de alguns desses cookies pode afetar sua experiência de navegação.
This website uses cookies to improve the user experience and analyze our traffic. Cookies categorized as necessary are stored in your browser because they are essential for the website to function. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how well the website is working. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option of disabling these cookies. However, this may affect your browsing experience.
Essential cookies are necessary for the Websites to function and to provide the services to you, based on our legitimate interest. Without these cookies, the Sites will not function as well as we would like and we may not be able to provide certain services or features associated with them.
Preference cookies collect information about your choices and preferences, allowing our websites to remember the language, location, device used or other settings and for your experience to be personalized according to these preferences. These cookies are used based on your consent and you can activate and deactivate them at any time.
Analytical cookies collect information about the use of the Sites, allowing us to improve their operation. Analytical cookies, for example, show us which pages are most visited on the Sites, help us track any difficulties users experience navigating the Sites, and show us whether or not our advertising is effective. These cookies are used based on your consent and you can activate and deactivate them at any time.
Advertising cookies are used for marketing purposes, allowing you to target the ads that appear to you based on your interests. The goal is to make advertising content more relevant to you, improve reporting on campaign performance, and avoid showing ads you've already seen. These cookies are used based on your consent and you can activate and deactivate them at any time.